Saturday, June 28, 2014

RPP B. Inggris


Mata Pelajaran                     : B. Inggris
Kelas / Semester                   : VI
Alokasi Waktu                     : 4 x 45 Menit

Standar Kompetensi    :  Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek esei sederhana berbentuk narative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar        :  5.2.         Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narative 

Indikator                       :  -      Menjawab pertanyaan tertulis berdasarkan wawancara 
                                          -      Menyebutkan fungsi komunikatif wacana berbentuk narative
                                          -      Menyebutkan struktur teks / wacana berbentuk narative 
                                          -      Mengidentifikasi tokoh serta alur dari wacana narative yang dibaca 

Tujuan Pembelajaran     :
Setelah melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran : 
-          Siswa mampu menemukan informasi rinci, fungsi komunikatif dan generic structure wacana berbentuk harrarive

Materi Pembelajaran      : Script Berbentuk Spoof

Metode Pembelajaran     : -    Wacana tertulis berbentuk narative 

Langkah – Langkah Kegiatan :
1.   Langkah Pendahuluan :
-          Greeting dan mengabsen siswa
-          Guru menyampaikan KD yang akan dipelajari
-          Guru menyampaikan kegunaan materi yang dipelajari (pengertian, struktur serta fungsi komunikatif dari  wacana narative)

2.   Kegiatan Inti
-          Guru dan siswa mempelajari wacana narative
-          Mengidentifikasi nama tokoh serta alur cerita narative yang dibaca
-          Menemukan main idea dalam cerita narative serta tujuan serta struktur dari teks narative

3.  Kegiatan Akhir
-          Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam KBM
-          Siswa diberi tugas dengan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan wacana yang telah dibaca

Sumber Belajar      :
1.      LKS Bahasa Inggris Kelas I Grammar / Dictionari
( The rabbit and the wolf )

The Rabbit and the Wolf

One day when a rabbit was walking in the forest, he heard someone crying out. Help! He looked around, and finally he saw a wolf. A great stone had fallen on his back so that he could not get up. He asked the rabbit’s help, and said that the he would die if nobody helped him.

The rabbit worked very hard, and finally managed to get the big stone off the wolf’s back. Then the wolf jumped up and caught the rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit cried and asked for mercy, but the wolf insisted on killing him for his meal.

Then the rabbit said, „No good person kills someone who has helped him. It is not fair. You can ask the duck, who is very fat and knows everything.“

So both of them went to the duck. He listened to their story, and then he said. “Show me the stone.“ They went to the stone.

“Now, let me be sure about this,“ said the duck. „Put the stone on the wolf’s back exactly as it was when you found him.“ So the wolf lay down, and with much effort the stone was put on his back again.

“Well, what do you think? „the wolf asked the duck.

The duck though for a moment. Then he said, “I think you were wrong to be cruel to the rabbit, who had had helped ou. Now see if someone else will help you!

And leaving him in the sorry state in which the rabbit had come upon him. They went their way.

1.      Who was walking in the forest ?
2.      Why the wolf asked the rabbit to help him ?
3.      What did the wolf do after rabbit help him ?
4.      What the rabbit said to the wolf ?
5.      What is text talking about

Mengetahui :                                                                           Matanggulumpang dua 18-12-2011
    Kepala                                                                                         Guru Mata Pelajaran


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